Status: | Available |
Update: | 08 Sep 2022 |
Property type: | Land |
Land area (rai): | 7-44 Rai |
Land area (sq.wa): | 2844 sq.wa |
Land area (sq.M): | 11376 sq.M |
Located: | Thai village |
District/Area/Zone: | Hangdong |
Sub District: | Hangdong |
Road name: | CM-Hangdong / Hod no.108 (south) |
Distance: | 9.5 Km. from town / super highway |
Approx./sq.wa: | 15000 |
Approx./rai: | 6000000 |
Sale price: | 42,660,000 Baht |
More Detail :
3.5 km. from Grace International school.
5 km. from Big C on Hang Dong Rd.
15 minute drive to Airport Plaza/Robinson.
The buyer and the seller sharing the transfer fee 50-50.
3 km. from Night Safari.
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